Sunday, July 20, 2008

New York, NY. 10019

I'm in New York City for four days having a little vacation and doing some buying for my store. I love New York City. The energy, the smells, the peoples accents that I don't hear in Charlottesville. This morning as I was heading downstairs to get some coffee I rode the elevator with a Russian couple and a couple from Korea. They all smiled at me and nodded hello. I know this might sound a little odd to folks that don't know New York as well as I do but I feel totally that people are nicer here than they are in Charlottesville. I know for certain that the restaurant waiters and waitresses are much more professional on the whole. How many times in Charlottesville have I had deplorable service and in Manhattan I've only had bad service once or twice.

When I am in New York I feel like I use all my senses every single day. You really have to pay very close attention here or you will get run over buy a cab or maybe fall down on the subway tracks. I love the energy, the passion of the City...

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